Sweet And Memorable Beautiful Women Quotes

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Particularly when a shoe-shopping splurge isn't an option, a woman sometimes wants a slight pick-me-up. From some of style icons, favorite beauty experts and stars, here are the best beautiful women quotes of all time for a fun way to cheer up your day that will leave you feeling as wonderful as the women who said these. 

Beautiful Women Quotes
Beautiful Women Quotes

Beautiful Women Quotes From Famous Celebs

One of beautiful women quotes that were said by Marilyn Monroe is 'To all the women that think you’re overweight because you’re not thin, it's society who’s ugly, you’re the beautiful one.' This quote encourages women who are not slim in size to be proud of them. Oprah Winfrey also stated that you do not have to be unpleased with your imperfection by saying 'Try to let go of the storyline that says you're too pale or too old, too tubby or too thin, your nose too big or your eyes are too small the next time you look into the mirror. Just see your face into the mirror. Without verdict, what you will see then is just you when the criticism drops away, and that is the first step on the way to changing your experience of the world.' 

If you think beauty is something you only see on the surface, think again. Jennifer Lopez said 'Beauty is simply inside the skin. Finding a balance of mind, body and spirit are really important.' that what you think and the beauty inside you is the most important aspect. Emma Stone thinks that 'you live once as a human being, and life is magnificent, so just eat the delicious Red Velvet cupcake.' So you do not have to be skinny and have the size like a model. Just eat food you like. 'You're justified if you're too thin or too heavy and satisfy everyone is impossible and so just stop trying.' is beautiful women quotes stated by Jennifer Aniston about not trying too hard about become the society want you to become.

Salma Hayek once said beautiful women quotes that 'People frequently say that "beauty is in the perceptiveness of the viewer", but you have to know that the most redeeming thing about beauty is apprehending that you are the viewer. This endows us to discover beauty in places where others have not risked looking, as well as inside ourselves.' This should encourage you to be happy to what you are and what your size.

Beautiful Women Quotes
Beautiful Women Quotes

Beautiful Women Quotes
Beautiful Women Quotes 2016


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